
Agrokoncernas Group celebrates its 30th anniversary

December 15 d., 2023
AgroconcernAgroconcern equipmentAgroconcern grains

Together with our employees and partners, we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Agrokoncernas Group in the legendary Kaunas Sports Hall. As we reviewed the journey together, we recalled how a small team grew into one of the country’s leading agricultural businesses. Currently, the Agrokoncernas Group consists of 54 companies and employs about 1,200 people.

In his speech, Ramūnas Karbauskis, who has built a successful business, thanked the participants for their work, support for his ideas and trust. “When I look back, I realise that there is no easy or hard, safe or dangerous path. There is a path that is destined to be taken. With successes and mistakes, with partners or alone. But this path is special and unique because it is still, to this moment, continuously based on our common discoveries, development, knowledge and growing experience,” he told to the audience.

Valdas Eimontas, CEO of Agrokoncernas, Edgaras Šakys, Director of Agrokoncernas, Karolis Šimas, Director of Agrokoncernas grūdai, and Mindaugas Lapatkinas, Director of Agrokoncernas technika, also thanked the employees and their teams for the support and the work they have done together. On stage, a spectacular spectacle was created by Teatr Akt from Warsaw, which symbolically started its four-part programme about the different elements with the performance “Earth”.

At the end of the official part of the event, a surprise awaited the guests. When the curtain fell, a large green and white checkerboard appeared behind the spectators’ backs, inviting them to the dance floor. The Beats band with Juste Kraujelyte and DJ Jovani also created a real dance fiesta there. According to R. Karbauskis, this celebration was first and foremost a thank you to the employees and long-term partners, thanks to whom the Agrokoncernas Group thrives and successfully implements ambitious projects.