
Leader in fertilisers, seeds and plant protection products in the Baltic States. The company’s main objective is to help farmers economically produce healthy harvests to provide consumers with quality food.

Solutions for farms

Agrokoncernas, in cooperation with world-renowned manufacturers of fertilisers and plant protection products from all over the world, supplies the Lithuanian market with carefully selected products needed for agriculture. It also develops plant breeding technologies and carries out a wide range of research and trials to provide guidance to the country’s farmers.

The company owns the AgroTTC Precision Technology Centre and the AgroITC Innovation and Research Centre. Their main objective is to find the most cost-effective solutions for sustainable farming, using the latest technologies and the most advanced plant nutrition and protection products.

Agrokoncernas sells fertilisers and plant protection products not only in Lithuania, but also exports to Poland, Latvia, Estonia, the Czech Republic and other countries. The company also develops the Agro247 smart farming platform and provides the AgroITC agronomist service to farms in the country.

Areas of activity

Agrochemical service
Research and innovation
Consultations for farmers
Smart farming tools


Plant protection
Smart tools
Farmers in the country can buy the produce offered in as many as 15 outlets across Lithuania.

The Agrokoncernas group offers farmers a wide range of complex fertilisers, including more than 20 different names of macro-micronutrient fertilisers Agroplus and Agrotop for foliar spraying. The company also sells more than 15 different brands of granular mineral fertilisers, which supply nutrients to plants through their leaves.


Research and innovation
Consultations for farmers
Events and training
The Agrokoncernas company invests heavily in science.

It has two units dedicated to testing the effectiveness of agricultural products and tools in practice.

AgroITC agronomist
AgroITC agronomist

This is an independent agronomist consultancy service offered by AgroITC, Agrokoncernas’ innovation and research centre. Farmers in the country have the opportunity to engage the services of an agronomist for all aspects of farm management. A personal agronomist provides solutions validated by the scientific unit, as well as sharing information on developments in the agri-sector and helping to manage working hours and employment. The advantage of this service is that decisions are not made by one person, but by a team of agronomists. For more information on the independent agronomist advice service, please contact or phone +37062646062



Edgaras Šakys
UAB „Agrokoncernas“ direktorius
Arnas Radzevičius
UAB „Agrokoncernas“ komercijos vadovas
Eglė Petraitienė
UAB „Agrokoncernas“ Agro inovacijų ir tyrimų skyriaus „AgroITC“ vadovė
Milda Jankauskienė
UAB „Agrokoncernas“ Agro tiksliųjų technologijų centro „AgroTTC“ vadovė
Arūnas Sapitavičius
UAB „Agrokoncernas“ trąšų grupės vadovas
Liveta Budreckytė
UAB „Agrokoncernas“ produkto grupės vadovė

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