
Prestigious agricultural awards for nitrogen from the sky and a robot

March 23 d., 2023
AgroconcernAgroconcern equipmentAgroITCAgroTTC

Just one week before the traditional international agricultural exhibition “What will you sow… 2023“, awards for the most innovative products and solutions were presented at the Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Agriculture. Two products presented by the Agrokoncernas Group – BlueN, a biostimulant that helps plants take nitrogen from the air and use it for their own growth, and “AgXeed“, a robot for agriculture – were among the top ten winners and received medals. Arnas Radzevičius, Commercial Director of Agrokoncernas, who received the medals, said that these awards are the result of consistent and purposeful work of the whole team. “As technology advances rapidly around the world, the agricultural sector is keeping pace with these trends. We actively follow all the latest developments and aim to be the first to try them out in practice. This season we have introduced a lot of new products to the market, which we are sure will help us to work more efficiently, use resources more sustainably and contribute to the advancement of agri-business,” said A. Radzevičius.

Presenting “What will you sow… 2023” medal-winning biostimulant BlueN, the company’s representative said that the product helps ensure plant health and a quality harvest. “Over the last few years, there has been a trend towards unbalanced fertilisation of crops, with Lithuanian yields growing partly at the expense of the soil. This means that the plants take up more of the nutrients they need than they were supplied with. After harvesting, these substances move out of the soil with the plants. Such depletion has negative consequences not only for future harvests but also for the environment as a whole. That’s why it’s essential to provide plants with sufficient nutrients,” says A. Radzevičius. The biostimulant “BlueN”, also known as nitrogen from the sky, is a very important additional source of this nutrient. It is recommended to spray this product once a season on plants that are already photosynthesising, as the nitrogen-fixing bacteria present on the plant are active throughout the entire growth period. This new product is suitable for all crops and “BlueN” is also authorised for use on organic farms.

Another novelty of the Agrokoncernas Group this season, which was also appreciated by the organisers of the exhibition, is the agricultural robot “AgXeed“. This autonomous machine is best suited for agricultural tasks such as haying, mulching, tillage and sowing. The “AgXeed” robot’s biggest advantage is that it can carry out monotonous agricultural tasks without stopping. It doesn’t need rest breaks and the machine is controlled by artificial intelligence. The robot operator can monitor the robot’s work via a special app and see the entire route on a map,” says Agrokoncernas’ Commercial Director.

The robot will soon start its first work at the Future Farm. This is another major project of the Agrokoncernas Group. The farm is where the latest technologies are introduced and tested, and where various research and trials are carried out. For those who would like to get a closer look at the medal-winning products and other agricultural news and innovations, A. Radzevičius invites you to come to the exhibition to be held at the VMU Academy of Agriculture from 30 March to 1 April “What will you sow… 2023” and visit the stand of the Agrokoncerno group of companies, as well as the exposition of Agrokoncerno Technika. On 30-31 March, visitors will also be welcomed by a special discussion area at the stand of the Agrokoncerns group of companies, where specialists in their fields will discuss topics of interest to representatives of the agricultural sector.